We are reliable & consistent Medical Billing-Solution team
Medical billing is the process of preparing and submitting claims to insurance companies to receive payment for healthcare services. For example, ...
Answer: A claim is a request for payment sent to an insurance company, while a bill is the statement sent to ...
Answer: EDI stands for Electronic Data Interchange, which is the electronic exchange of medical data between healthcare providers and insurers for ...
Answer: A claims adjuster reviews medical claims to determine whether they should be paid, how much should be paid, and whether ...
Answer: Medicare is a government-provided insurance program for people aged 65 and older, and for some younger individuals with disabilities. Example: ...
Answer: RA codes explain the status of a claim on the remittance advice, indicating whether a claim was paid, denied, or ...
Answer: The CMS-1500 form is used by healthcare providers to submit claims to insurance companies, primarily for outpatient and professional services. ...
Answer: A medical biller submits claims to insurance companies, follows up on unpaid claims, and ensures that healthcare providers are paid ...
Medical billers must ensure: Accuracy: Correctly coding and billing for services. Transparency: Communicating billing practices clearly to patients. Confidentiality: Protecting patient ...
Answer: A patient ledger is a detailed account of all financial transactions related to a patient’s care, including services, payments, and ...
Answer: A clean claim is one that is error-free and meets all the payer’s requirements, leading to prompt processing and payment. ...
Answer: An EOB is a statement sent to the patient, explaining how much the insurance company paid and what the patient ...
Answer: Medical necessity ensures that the treatments provided are necessary for the diagnosis or treatment of a patient’s condition and are ...
Answer: DRG stands for Diagnosis-Related Group, a system used by hospitals to classify inpatient stays based on diagnoses and procedures, which ...
Answer: A charge is the amount billed to the insurance company or patient for services rendered, while a payment is the ...
Answer: The NPI (National Provider Identifier) is a unique identification number for healthcare providers, used for billing and other transactions with ...
Answer: A clearinghouse is an intermediary that reviews and processes claims submitted by healthcare providers before they are sent to ...
Answer: A contractual adjustment is the amount a healthcare provider reduces their charges based on an agreement with the insurance company. ...
Medical billing uses various software tools such as: Electronic Health Records (EHR): Systems like Epic and Cerner help record patient information. ...
Answer: HCPCS stands for Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System, which includes codes for services, procedures, and medical supplies not covered by ...